martes, 7 de enero de 2014

UNIT PLANNING; “The human body”.


1. Mind map………………………………………………………………………….. 2

2. Lesson plan………………………………………………………………………… 3

3. Lesson plan teacher’s notes………………………………………………………. 5

4. Lesson 1: activities………………………………………………………………… 6

4.1. Activity Song………………………………………………...…………… 6
4.2. Activity 2: Flashcards……………………………………………………. 7
4.3. Activity 3: The inside human body……………………………………….. 8
4.4. Activity: Crossword………………………………………...……………. 9
4.5. Activity: Fill in the gaps………………………………….……………... 10

5. Lesson 2: activities………………………………………………………...……... 12

5.1. Activity 1: Game of the senses………………………………………….. 13
5.2. Activity 2: Senses and organs………………………………………...… 14
5.3.Activity 3: Worksheet………………………………………………….… 15

1. Mind Map

 2.   Lesson plan.
UNIT: The human body.
LEVEL: 3º Primary      TIMING 50minutes each


-          To present the content of the unit.
-          To introduce the concept of human being.
-          To make learners aware of the parts of the body.
-          To explain the importance of respecting the differences between bodies.
-          To help learners understand that learning can be achieved in a second language.

Assessment criteria

Teacher, peer and self assessment processes will be used to assess how well learners:
-          Identify the parts of the body: head, trunk and limbs.
-          Understand that one function of the skin is to protect the body.
-          Recognize the similarities and differences between bodies.
-          Know how the sense organs work, and what they look like.
-          Explain what each sense is for.
-          Accept and respect the different characteristics of human bodies.
-          Read and understand scientific texts.

Teaching objectives
 (What I plan to teach)

-  The parts of the human body: head, trunk and limbs.
-  Bones, muscles and movement.
-  Differences between bodies.
-  The senses.
-  The sense organs: characteristics and functions.

-  Provide learners with opportunities to understand the key concepts and apply them in different contexts.
-  Arouse learner´s curiosity and creative use of language and learners questions.
-  Vocabulary building, learning and using.
-  Enable learners to make predictions using visual images.

-  Become aware of the importance of respecting the different features according to each of the countries.
-  Understand that they can learn, no matter which language they are using.

Language of learning
-  Key vocabulary: Parts
Of the body, the senses and organs.

Language for learning
-  Classifying the different parts of the body.
-  Comparing and contrasting the differences between people from different countries.
-  Understanding the importance of the different senses and organs.

Language through learning
-  Make use of peer explanation.
-  Predict and learn new words which rise from activities.

Learning outcomes
(What learners will be able to do by the end of the lesson)

Know: By the end of the unit learners should know a great range of vocabulary (parts of the human body), what bones and muscles are and which are the five different senses.

Be able to: By the end of the unit learners should be able to;
-   Classify and distinguish the different parts of the body
-   Interpret visual information and successfully engage in visual matching concepts and images.
-  Recognize the five senses and organs.

Be aware: By the end of the unit students should be aware of;
-  The differences between bodies and respecting these differences.
-  The importance of the five senses in chores.

 3. Lesson plan – Teacher’s notes

UNIT: “The human body”        Lessons 1 and 2.
Teaching/learning activities

Lesson 1
-  Previous knowledge will take 15 minutes approximately.
-  The main goal of this lesson is to present the different parts of the body and work with it through the flashcards and the poster. Learners should be able to distinguish and classify them.
-  At the end, we could show some pictures of people from different countries, and describe the different features between them. (Encouraging respect to the others)

(There are some activities for those who end up their work too fast or to emphasize some aspects with the whole class if it´s necessary)

Lesson 2

-  We can activate previous knowledge from the day before, and connect it with the organs, and then the organs with the five senses.
-  The main goal of this lesson is to assimilate the concept of sense and to be able to match them with the different organs. By the activity the teacher should make the children aware of the importance of these senses in our chores.

Instruments for assessment

Learner´s participation in class. (Group tasks)
Learner´s interaction with the partner. (Group tasks)
Learners successfully complete the individual task of matching.
Learners successfully complete the work sheets.


-  Flashcards.
-  Pens for students.
-   Blackboard for teacher.
-  Power point presentation.


The new words they are going to learn are quite difficult, that´s why the teacher should take time to explain the words patiently.

4. Lesson 1; activities.



We are going to start activating their previous knowledge by singing and dancing a much known song:

Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
and eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes!

Minutes later, we will do it a bit more complicate adding more parts of the body;

Heads and shoulders knees and toes
Knees and toes
Heads and shoulders knees and toes
Knees and toes
And eyes and ears
And mouth and nose
Heads and shoulders knees and toes
Knees and toes
Feet and tummies arms and chins
Arms and chins
Feet and tummies arms and chins
Arms and chins
and eyes and ears
And mouth and shins
Feet and tummies arms and chins
Arms and chins
Hands and fingers legs and lips
Legs and lips
Hands and fingers legs and lips
Legs and lips
And eyes and ears
And mouth and hips
Hands and fingers legs and lips
Legs and lips
(Repeat the first verse)

- Brainstorming- to tell among the students the different parts of the body that makes up the human body.

Once we have activated their previous knowledge, we will start with the second activity.


The following activity consists of making a mural, which shows the silhouette of the human body. The class will be divided into groups and we will hand out to each group of children a group of flashcards, where it is explained a part of the human body with its respective name. The child has to explain his word to the rest of
their classmates and if it is necessary to draw the part of the body that he has in the mural. At the end of the activity we will have the human body completed and explained by the own students.


Apart from the ordinary activities, we think that it is also important to think about the students who will finish them very quickly; that is the reason why we have added some more activities in each of the lessons.


2. I am a very hard substance that makes up your skeleton.
3. I mix up and break down your food after you chew and swallow it.
4. I support your body and keep it tall and straight. I also protect your spinal cord.
5. We filter your blood and keep it nice and clean.
7. I pump blood around your body.
9. When we move, you move too.


1. I am a long tube that lets very, very tiny food pieces move across my wall and into the body. The left-over food continues through me and is expelled out of the end as waste.
2. I am needed so that you can think and remember things.
6. We take the air that you breathe into us and put it into the body.
 . We are hard and thin and we protect your important body parts inside your chest.

Answers to crossword:

Across: (2) bone, (3) stomach, (4) spine, (5) kidneys, (7) heart, (9) muscles.
Down: (1) intestines, (2) brain, (6) lungs, (8) ribs.


Use the words down there to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

~ nutrients, capillaries, day, oxygen, kidneys, cells, arteries, veins, produce, heart, intruders, dioxide, wastes, watery, thin, litres, billions, tissues, urine, hemoglobin, plasma, white, red* (note: in this search the word red that you are looking for is shown downward in the table, not across)

Our ______________ demand ______________ and oxygen constantly.

The ______________ part of blood is called ______________ and it carries dissolved nutrients and ______________ from cells. Suspended in the plasma are ______________of blood cells.

Most of the cells are ______________ blood cells. ______________ attaches to a chemical called _____________________ that is inside red blood cells.

It is delivered to the different cells and tissues of the body. Some cells are ______________ blood cells, which attack ______________ (such as bacteria), or sick cells (such as cancer).

Two and a half ______________ of blood is pumped through our ______________ every minute.

Blood travels away from the heart in _________________, which carry the blood to the different _______________of the body. Blood travels back to the heart in  _________________.

______________________ are the smallest of all blood vessels. They have extremely ______________ walls and are only one cell wide.

 apillaries off-load nutrients and oxygen into cells and pick up wastes such as carbon- __________.

Most of these wastes are removed from our blood by our ______________, which make ______________by filtering the wastes out of our blood. In one day, our kidneys will filter 1500 litres of blood to ______________ 1.5 litres of urine.

1.   Lesson 2; activities.
 Previous knowledge: We can activate previous knowledge from the day before, and connect it with the organs, and then the organs with the five senses.

This could be done just by questions creating a kind of debate in class.


-          Once we have explained the five senses we are going to play a game to classify and distinguish all of them. The point of the game is to recognize and exemplify the five senses in order to understand how essential they are in our chores.

-          THE SENSE OF SIGHT:

We see everything around us through our eyes.

A child will carefully see where the classmates are, the clothes they wear and the  objects they have on their tables. After a few minutes concentrated, the child will go away and the rest of the students will change seven things of their site. When the child come into the class, he should use the sense of sight and he differenciate those things which are not in their first place.


We can identify environmental sounds through our ears.

The teacher will hide the mobile phone in the classroom. When the alarm of the mobile phone makes noise, the students should find where is the sound. They will be working the sense of hearning.

-          THE SENSE OF TASTE:

We can savor the meals we eat, due to our tongue.

In small groups the teacher will give several meals to the students to prove and with their eyes closed they shoud guess what kind of food they are eating. They will have to indentify if the meal is: sour, bitter, salty or sweet.

-          THE SENSE OF TOUCH:

We can recognize size and how things are through our skin.

In pairs the student should touch some things with several stuctures. They will describe how it makes their feel. For example if the structure is: smooth, rough, hard, soft…

-          THE SENSE OF SMELL:

We recognize several odor through our nose.

The teacher will have five differents odor and five students will smell it. They should identify what kind of odor they have smelt. 



-          Join the picture with the sentences.


Marta Pellico
Marta Álvarez
Carmen Gutiérrez
Ana Notario

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